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Text File  |  1999-01-21  |  8KB  |  241 lines

  1. ;*******************************************************
  2. ;*    $VER: GroovyPlayer Install 1.10 (13.01.99)       *
  3. ;*               Copyright ©1996 Alan                  *
  4. ;*           Install script by Stef & Alan             *
  5. ;*                                                     *
  6. ;*               English version V1.10                 *
  7. ;*                                                     *
  8. ;*******************************************************
  9. ;* English section area *
  10. ;************************
  11. ((if @language "english")
  12.         (set @default-dest "sys:")
  13.         (set #echotxt "echo \"Working on installation...\"\n" )
  17.         (complete 0)
  18. ;************************
  19. ;The text message area                       
  20. ;************************
  21.         (set #Intro-Txt
  22.             (cat "Welcome to GroovyPlayer installation.\n\n"
  23.             "\n"
  24.             "Thank you very much for your registration.\n"
  25.                 "I hope you will enjoy using this program.\n\n\n\n"
  26.             "                                          Alan\n"
  27.             )
  28.         )
  29.         (set #Guide-Txt
  30.                 (cat "\n\nTake the time to read the AmigaGuide documentation\n"
  31.                 "that contains much useful information.\n"
  32.                 "I recommend it especially to beginners, although I think everyone\n"
  33.             "will benefit from the AmigaGuide help when trying to use\n"
  34.             "more advanced functions.\n"
  35.                 )
  36.         )
  37.         (set #Warning-Txt
  38.             (cat "WARNING\n\n\n"
  39.             "You will need 0.5 Mbyte of free HD space\n"
  40.                 "and 250Kbyte of free memory to complete the installaton\n"
  41.             "(If necessary, you can delete files from the\n"
  42.                 "destination disk to make room for GroovyPlayer).\n"
  43.             )
  44.         )
  45.         (set #Path-Txt
  46.             (cat "Select destination directory\n\n"
  47.             "A drawer named GroovyPlayer will be created here.\n"
  48.             )
  49.         )
  50.         (set #Decrunch-Txt
  51.             (cat "Decrunching `CD Titles` file to RAM:  \n\n"
  52.                 "This catalog contains 816 various style CD's,\n"
  53.                 "from reggae to rock and even some Aminet CD's.\n"
  54.                 "When inserted, these CD's will be automatically\n"
  55.                 "recognized by GroovyPlayer.\n"
  56.                 )
  57.         )
  58. ;************************
  59. ; End text message area
  60. ;************************
  61.         (message #Intro-Txt)
  63.         (message #Warning-Txt)
  64.             (set target_dir
  65.         (askdir (prompt #Path-Txt) (help #Path-Help) (default @default-dest) (newpath)
  66.             )
  67.         )
  68.         ;Making the directories
  69.         (set directory_name (substr target_dir (- (strlen target_dir) 1) 1))
  70.         (set Groovy_dir (tackon target_dir "GroovyPlayer"))
  71.              (if (NOT (exists Groovy_dir))
  72.                  (makedir Groovy_dir))
  73.         (set doc_dir (cat Groovy_dir "/Doc"))
  74.              (if (NOT (exists Doc_dir))
  75.                  (makedir Doc_dir))
  76.         (complete 10)
  77. ;*************************************************
  78. ; Copy the guide files to destdir/GroovyPlayer/doc
  79. ;*************************************************
  80.         (message #Guide-Txt)
  81.         (set @default-dest target_dir)
  82.                 (copyfiles
  83.                         (prompt "\nCopying English documentation for GroovyPlayer...")
  84.                         (help @copy-files-help)
  85.                         (source "GroovyPlayer_E.guide")
  86.                         (dest doc_dir)
  87.                         (confirm)
  88.                 )
  90.         (set @default-dest target_dir)
  91.                 (copyfiles
  92.                         (prompt "\nCopying Hungarian documentation for GroovyPlayer...")
  93.                         (help @copy-files-help)
  94.                         (source "GroovyPlayer_M.guide")
  95.                         (dest doc_dir)
  96.                         (confirm)
  97.                 )
  98.         (complete 20)
  99. ;***************************************
  100. ; Copy GroovyPlayer fonts to FONTS:
  101. ;***************************************
  102.         (
  103.             (copyfiles
  104.                         (prompt "\nCopying GroovyPlayer fonts to your FONTS: assign...")
  105.                 (help @copyfiles-help)
  106.                 (source "Fonts/")
  107.                 (dest "FONTS:")
  108.                         (pattern "#?")
  109.                 (confirm)
  110.             )
  111.         )
  112.         (complete 30)
  113. ;***************************************
  114. ; Copy GroovyPlayer locale to LOCALE:
  115. ;***************************************
  116.         (
  117.             (copyfiles
  118.                         (prompt "\nCopying catalogs to your LOCALE: assign...")
  119.                 (help @copyfiles-help)
  120.                 (source "Locale/")
  121.                 (dest "LOCALE:")
  122.                         (pattern "#?")
  123.                 (confirm)
  124.             )
  125.         )
  126.         (complete 35)
  127. ;******************************************
  128. ; Install GroovyPlayer main program
  129. ;******************************************
  130.         (
  131.             (copyfiles
  132.                         (prompt "\nCopying GroovyPlayer to the destination directory...")
  133.                 (help @copyfiles-help)
  134.                 (source "GroovyPlayer")
  135.                 (dest Groovy_dir)
  136.                 (confirm)
  137.             )
  138.         )
  139.         (complete 40)
  140. ;******************************************
  141. ; Install the GroovyPlayer.info
  142. ;******************************************
  143.         (
  144.             (copyfiles
  145.                         (prompt "\nCopying GroovyPlayer's icon file to the destination directory...")
  146.                 (help @copyfiles-help)
  147.                 (source "GroovyPlayer.info")
  148.                 (dest Groovy_dir)
  149.                 (confirm)
  150.             )
  151.         )
  152.         (complete 45)
  154. ;**********************************
  155. ; Install iconify icon
  156. ;**********************************
  157.         (
  158.             (copyfiles
  159.                         (prompt "\nCopying GroovyPlayer appicon to ENVARC:...")
  160.                 (help @copyfiles-help)
  161.                 (source "envarc/")
  162.                 (dest "ENVARC:")
  163.                 (pattern "#?")
  164.                 (confirm)
  165.             )
  166.         )
  167.     (complete 50)
  168. ;**********************************
  169. ; Install default preferences
  170. ;**********************************
  171.         (
  172.             (copyfiles
  173.                         (prompt "\nCopying default preferences to S:...")
  174.                 (help @copyfiles-help)
  175.                 (source "Prefs/")
  176.                 (dest "S:")
  177.                 (pattern "#?")
  178.                 (confirm)
  179.             )
  180.         )
  181.         (run (cat "resident" c:delete))
  182.         (complete 60)
  183. ;***********************
  184. ; Decrunch CD Titles.lzx
  185. ;***********************
  187.         (message #Decrunch-Txt)
  189.         (
  190.             (copyfiles
  191.                 (source "CDTitles.lha")
  192.                 (dest "RAM:")
  193.                 (pattern "#?")
  194.             )
  195.         )
  196.         (set decrunch "SYS:C/LHA >CON:0/0/320/60/LHA/AUTO -r x RAM:CDTitles.lha #? ")
  197.         (set decrunch (cat decrunch Groovy_dir))
  198.         (set decrunch (cat decrunch "/"))
  199.         (run decrunch)
  200.         (complete 80)
  201. ;**********************************************
  202. ; Copy RAM:CD Titles directory to destination
  203. ;**********************************************
  204.         (
  205.             (copyfiles
  206.                         (prompt "\nCopying CD title collection...")
  207.                 (help @copyfiles-help)
  208.                 (source "RAM:")
  209.                 (dest Groovy_dir)
  210.                 (pattern "CD#?")
  211.                 (confirm)
  212.             )
  213.     (set doc1 (askchoice
  214.                 (prompt "Please choose the documentation you wish to read now:")
  215.                 (help @askchoice-help)
  216.                 (choices "Hungarian documentation" "English documentation" "Nothing :-)")
  217.                 (default 1)
  219.                   )
  220.         )
  222. ;****************************
  223. ; Let the user read a guide file
  224. ;****************************
  225.          (if (= doc1 0)
  226.                  (run ("SYS:Utilities/MultiView GroovyPlayer_M.guide"))
  228.          )
  229.          (if (= doc1 1)
  230.                  (run ("SYS:Utilities/MultiView GroovyPlayer_E.guide"))
  232.          )
  233.         )
  234. ;****************************
  235. ; Delete decrunched directory
  236. ;****************************
  237.  (run ("c:delete ram:CDTitles.lha noreq"))
  238. )
  239.         (complete 100)
  240. (exit)